24 Funny Billboards That Will Get You Laughing

Billboards are a ubiquitous sight in our urban landscapes, vying for our attention as we navigate through the hustle and bustle of daily life. Some billboards catch our eye with their stunning visuals or clever slogans, but there’s a special breed that stands out from the crowd – funny billboards. These advertising gems not only promote products or services but also bring a dose of humor to our daily commute.

Funny billboards are like a breath of fresh air in the world of advertising, injecting a touch of levity into our often monotonous routines. Whether they make us chuckle, giggle, or burst into uncontrollable laughter, these billboards have the power to brighten our day and leave a lasting impression.

Picture this: you’re stuck in traffic, feeling the stress of the day weighing on your shoulders, and suddenly, your eyes fall upon a billboard that reads, “I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough. Now, I’m a banker!” The clever play on words instantly brings a smile to your face, momentarily distracting you from the frustrations of the road. In that moment, the billboard becomes more than just an advertisement; it becomes a source of joy and entertainment.

Funny billboards often rely on clever wordplay, witty puns, or unexpected juxtapositions to deliver their punchlines. They tap into our sense of humor and offer a refreshing break from the mundane. From tongue-in-cheek messages like “Don’t drink and park – accidents cause people” to hilarious visual gags that make you do a double-take, these billboards prove that advertising doesn’t have to be serious to be effective.

Moreover, funny billboards have a way of transcending cultural and language barriers. Laughter is a universal language, and a well-executed joke can connect with people from different backgrounds and perspectives. It creates a shared moment of lightheartedness and camaraderie among strangers, fostering a sense of community in the midst of the urban jungle.

In a world where we are bombarded with ads at every turn, funny billboards provide a much-needed respite. They inject humor into the mundane and leave an indelible mark on our memory. So, the next time you find yourself grumbling about the daily commute, keep an eye out for those witty billboards that remind us that laughter truly is the best advertisement.

24 Funny Billboards That Will Get You Laughing

funny billboards

B Media Group

1. No Toilet Paper

B Media Group

This is great marketing from Imodium. It’s a simple billboard with an empty toilet roll, which is one of the worst things you can run into, especially if you’re suffering from diarrhea. That’s where Imodium comes in handy. 

2. 3M Holds


Demonstrating how great 3M tape is, this billboard is being held together by the popular brand’s electrical tape. 

3. Jesus Can Save You


The above image features two very different billboard ads that make for some funny content. The top billboard is advertising a gentleman’s club known as Racers and features an alluring woman. Underneath is a billboard from Dallasburg Baptist Church asking passersby what their eyes are fixed on and that Jesus can help with their vision. These make for some very funny signs.

4. Sex Sells


Subway went an interesting route by using sex to let people know about its foot-long subs. While the main portion of the billboard reads “Sex,” look below and it’s actually about the famous sandwich shop. 

5. When Customer Service Takes Priority


This neat billboard by machine parts company TVH does a great job of getting the message across that customer service is the brand’s number priority while also being funny. 

6. Nut Milk Is Not Milk


In case you weren’t aware, this billboard offers some sound advice for consumers. 

7. Legal Weed


This funny billboard does two things. One, it lets you know in 60 miles weed is legal so you can spark one up, and two, it also advertisers tech company Weedmaps, which shares the location of weed dispensaries as well as allows lovers of the green to connect and share information about their experiences shopping with different brands. This is a great example of clever marketing from Weedmaps. 

8. Hot Sauce


Capscico hot sauce is so powerful it’s burning a hole in the billboard. Imagine what it will do to your stomach! 

9. Dracula

BBC Creative

Ok, so this billboard might be more scary than funny, but we had to include it due to how clever it is. Advertising the BBC show Dracula, the billboard doesn’t really make much sense during the day, with one half covered in wooden stakes and a large gap between that and the words promoting the show.

But that all changes at night when the shadows from the stakes form the image of Dracula with his fangs out. The addition of the stake in a glass cabinet that reads, “In case of vampires break glass,” only adds to the genius of this billboard. 

10. Florida Citrus Center


This billboard is advertising a local Florida attraction and offers up a lot of interesting information. As the billboard reveals, The Florida Citrus Center not only sells oranges but also pecan and peanut brittle, has free juice up for grabs, and live baby gators running about. The perfect holiday stop. 

11. Storming Area 51?


A few years back there was a big hoopla about a Facebook group that was proposing people storm Area 51 so they could get the truth about what is going on there. Only around 150 UFO enthusiasts showed up, and while things didn’t exactly turn out like people might have hoped, it did make for some interesting reading

This hilarious billboard is aimed at those who might have gotten hurt while attempting to break into the secure US military facility. Maloney and Lyons Attorneys at Law were ready to help and would return your call personally. A clever and funny way of cashing in on a social media event that went global. 

12. Unfortunate Positioning 


Separately, these billboards are advertising two different movies, but when put next to each other they make for a funny sign that appears to show Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne character threatening to kill Scrat from Ice Age. Sometimes it’s the placement of billboards that makes them funny. 

13. Hot Wheels

Daniel Andrés Mora Lugo/Behance

The problem with this billboard is that it’s sure to distract some people driving past who might think the bridge is actually a loop. That aside, it’s a funny way to advertise Hot Wheels. 

14. Two For One


Here’s something you don’t see that often; two companies working together to display their wares on billboards. The first billboard is for Nixa hardware and shows a chainsaw cutting down a tree. The tree happens to fall on a crashed car on the billboard below, which is advertising French-Davis Collision, an auto-wreckers. Brilliant. 

15. What Did You Just Say?

B Media Group

This billboard gets your attention by the phrase, “Your wife is hot,” and while she no doubt is, the message is actually in reference to the temperature and her being uncomfortable in the heat. Underneath are the words “better get your AC fixed” and the details for Kalins Indoor Comfort, a business that sells air conditioners. 

16. Nose Hairs 

Saatchi & Saatchi

Panasonic did a great job advertising their nose trimmers with this funny billboard that uses the telephone and electric wires from the street as nose hairs to show what you might look like if you don’t keep that area of your face nice and tidy. Great marketing. 

17. Giant Dicks


This is another example of what can happen when two completely different billboards are put side by side. You can’t help but laugh at this one. 

18. Pork Lovers


This one is for all the pork lovers. A great play on words sure to give you a giggle. 

19. Alcohol or Therapy


We don’t condone this billboard but it’s hard to not laugh. Not only is the phrase, “Alcohol: It’s cheaper than therapy,” funny, but the images of the two men used only adds to the hilarity of this liquor store advert. 

20. Phuket

B Media Group

Air Asia loves a good pun as this billboard demonstrates. This is a great way to advertise a trip to Phuket using a naughty pun that is sure to get any passerby’s attention. 

21. Someone Needs the Gym

Dash Two

Siberman’s Fitness went for something eye-catching with their billboard. While an image of an overweight man might not be that exciting, the fact that the billboard is on an angle, suggesting his weight is causing the billboard to be on a slant, is both funny and smart marketing. 

22. Don’t Drive Like a Wanker


The message is clear but the way it is displayed will give you a good chuckle. This a fantastic way to promote safe driving on country roads.

23. Ring Finger 

B Media Group

At first look, it might seem like this billboard is giving you the finger, but it’s just a woman waiting for her other half to put a ring on it. This is a funny billboard from Robbins Diamonds, encouraging partners to buy a ring and get down on one knee sooner rather than later. 

24. Employ Adam


This poor guy was struggling to find a job so he took out a billboard ad to see if anyone would hire him. He spent his last £500 ($625) on the billboard that contained the address of his website, employadam.com. The website included his information, resume, work history, and a video explaining why he went about things this way. 

The good news is this out-of-the-box way of scoring a job worked, with Adam employed by a production company called KEO. He then used his first paycheck to commission a second billboard thanking everyone who reached out and supported him. Top lad.